
Properties can be attached to every products and module (including models). They basically consist in a (name, value) pair. Moreover, a PropertyDisplay can also be used. If so the property is said to be “displayable”; such properties can be presented in the user interface, and modified. Properties that don’t have any PropertyDisplay object associated are not displayed by the PropertyWindow UI.

Properties can be a direct value (a str, bool, int or float) a module (ie a pointer to a module), a string that can be evaluated (in a pythonic syntax), or complex object that contain other (sub)properties (setup or program tables).

A property can be accessed from its owner using square braquets [], using its name. For example, create[‘destination’] returns the value of the ‘destination’ property of module ‘create’. Shape1[‘program_table’][‘program1’] is the property ‘program1’ of the program_table object (which is in turn the property ‘program_table’ of module ‘Shape1’)... Properties can be get/set using the square braquet syntax, in the same way a python dictionary can be used.

module[‘prop’] return the non evaluated value of the property. To evaluate the property string, the evaluate_property function must be used, or alternativelly, the property must be called. Therefore if module[‘prop’] is “product[‘mass’] + 5”, module[‘prop’](context) is 12, in context wherethe current product has a property that evaluates to 7.

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